International Conference on Quantum Entanglement

  • Madrid (Madrid)
  • Categoría: Congreso/Conferencia
  • Lugar: A concretar (Madrid)
  • Dirección: Calle de Montalbán, 1, 28014
  • Horario: 21:00 horas
  • Precio: Sin especificar.
  • Público al que va dirigido: Adultos.
    A partir de 16 años de edad

Quantum entanglementMeaning of entanglementParadoxHidden variables theoryViolations of Bell's inequalityOther types of experimentsMystery of timeSource for the arrow of timeNon-locality and entanglementQuantum mechanical frameworkPure statesEnsemblesReduced density matricesTwo applications that use themEntropyEntanglement measuresQuantum field theoryApplicationsEntangled statesMethods of creating entanglementTesting a system for entanglementNaturally entangled systems

